Monday, February 21, 2011

Manic Monday??

While today is a holiday in the U.S. the world still turns. We've entered year 3 of the "Financial Crisis of 2008" and the global and macro trends are unchanged, and in fact....more obvious than ever.

  • Today, silver hit its highest price today since, March 7th, 1980: $33.95/ounce, (and still climbing as I write this…)
  • Mubarak’s 30-year dictatorship over Egypt was toppled after increased food inflation of 17% sent the people into the streets…
  • Despite the Fed’s record amounts of cash injection, (now around 3 Trillion since 2008), to “boost employment”, the initial jobless claims continue to increase with 410K posted in the past week, over the 400K expected…
  • The Chinese appetite for gold and silver bullion continues at a voracious pace, as investment demand jumped 70% in 2010 alone...
  • The US Mint sold 6.4 Million Silver Eagles in January 2011 – more than any other month in history.
  • The World Bank’s latest report this week revealed that global food prices have jumped 29% during 2010, thanks to inflation combined with poor yields.
  • The housing bubble continues to deflate, with approximately 11% of all homes in the US sitting empty, and more foreclosures taking place in 2010, than in 2009.
  • Not a single banker, politician, or Wall Street insider who’s pillaged our nation to the point of ruin, has gone to jail… Not one.
I could continue, but the point is simple…
The fundamental problems faced by our economy have not changed at all… In fact, they’re getting worse – as expected.
Therefore my investment strategy and questions have not changed either…
It appears to me that we’re still headed toward a “Hyper-Inflationary Depression”.
Inflation is on the rise throughout the world, while deflation continues to take place in the housing/credit markets simultaneously.

If you agree with any or most of what is written above, you owe it to yourself to view a presentation from my friend Mike Dillard.

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