Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thank God it's Thursday!!

I bet you never heard anyone say that before....It's always "thank god it's Friday" so Thursday's get no love.

Seeing as CoinManHerb is online along with my fan page and twitter option, I figured I'd thank those who made it all possible on a Thursday.

I guess I really was first motivated by my man Marcus McCall. Marcus runs FlightCrewWealth and does an excellent job with his site. He keeps his content fresh and shares his opinions on a weekly basis. Reading Marcus's weekly updates lead me to believe that I too could accomplish great things. Thanks Marcus!!!

If you follow me on twitter or have become a fan of my facebook page, you've noticed the pictures and background that make up those pages. Those great results are from the hard work of Kate Wilber. Kate is an expert when it comes to online marketing and using social networks. At Bold Branding, Kate shows you how having a social network presence can help you with you brand. Thanks Kate for all that you do.

And finally I would like to thank the guys and girls at Tulsa Website and SEO services. Frank and his team do an excellent job of meeting your needs when it comes to web design and seo services. Everyone from Amber who answers the phone, to Tony who's excellent team I had the pleasure of working with. Daniel, Morgan and Jason were all very helpful and were available anytime as we worked through the process of creating Thanks guys!!!

So once again thanks to all of you and T.G.I.T. :-)

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