Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A must read for Network Marketers

What follows is an email I received from the CEO of Monitium. It clearly demonstrates the risk of being tied to a single company or mlm. CoinManHerb has taken steps to protect himself, have you?

Dear Friends and Associates, 

We have a marketing opportunity presented to us... read along and you'll understand what I mean.


Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc. announced today that it has agreed to be acquired by New York based private equity firm MidOcean Partners for around $650 million in cash.  Pre-Paid Legal, which markets legal expense plans in the U.S. and Canada said it signed a definitive merger agreement with MidOcean PPL Holdings Corp.

WOW? That's pretty significant news, and I'd say the principles of Pre-Paid Legal are celebrating today and are probably planning where they'll be buying their mansions. But what about all of the independent reps? You know, the networkers who built the company? Their company was just sold out from underneath them, so I'm sure all of them are praying that MidOcean treats them fairly as their future is now in a company's hands that they didn't even know existed yesterday.  Imagine, one of the oldest MLM companies, which is also publicly traded sells out.

The point I'm trying to make here is that any networker who builds only one company and thus places all of their income eggs in just one company is truly a brave soul. If you think about it, they are in fact trusting the MLM company owners with their family's financial future, rather than controlling that destiny themselves. 

Every Monitium associate should use the sale of Pre-Paid Legal as a discussion point when speaking with another professional network marketer, as it clearly validates Monitium's "protected genealogy" model.  It also serves to demonstrate with absolute clarity, why every sharp network marketer will move to build THEIR team outside of any one MLM company in the future. 

Twelve months from now when your team is sizeable and diversified into 6 MLM companies, could any single company really impact you financially if it was sold or worse, went out of business?  The answer is a resounding NO, as Monitium would move to replace that company's product offering immediately and within 30 days you'd have completely recovered the lost income stream.  Could you accomplish that type of income recovery in any model outside of Monitium?  I'll let you answer that question for yourself.

To Your Success,

Ken Eggleston
Monitium, CEO & Founder

After reading the letter you agree that  being tied to a single company or mlm is a risky proposition, see what steps I've taken to develop multiple income streams. You can view my presentation here.

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